The Subscribe & Save option allows you to re-purchase your favorite products regularly without having to worry about running out or getting online to order! 

  • Discounted rates

    All starting subscription orders through Amazon are discounted at a 10% rate
  • Unlock 15% savings

    Save 15% on your recurring orders when you receive 5 or more products on auto-delivery to one address.
  • Choose how often it's delivered 

    You have full access to your subscription details and can edit it at any time from your account! The recurring order shipping frequency can be adjusted to shipping anywhere from every 2 weeks to every 6 months.
  • Skip or cancel at any time 

    You will receive a reminder before each delivery. Your upcoming shipments can be skipped at any time. Subscriptions are not subject to any fees or a specific timeframe of participation, subscriptions can be cancelled at your convenience!
  • Eligible for Free 2-day Prime shipping

    If you are an Amazon Prime member, your auto-ship deliveries will be eligible for the 2-day shipping option with Prime!